
Eatinerants is a new, immersive, authentic food-travel experience.
The Eatinerants are a fraternity of people, travelling together on a pilgrimage.
These are the pillars of Eatinerants and how you can reach the Revelation of Taste.


A pilgrimage is a journey into an unknown foreign place, motivated by devotion and love, in the search for enlightenment. In our case: culinary and cultural enlightenment. The Eatinerants pilgrimages transcend travellers into the holy lands of taste: on journeys with like-minded people to breathtaking places, experiencing gastronomic excellence.


Epiphanies are illuminating discoveries, moments of revelation.
Out Epiphanies are moments of culinary revelation from wine tasting to creation of traditional recipes from visiting traditional breeders to understanding the development of unique products.
Each epiphany will be marked by a yellow mouth stamps on your trip-passport.

The Ascension

Each Eatinerant has a journey ahead: an ascent that will take the Unbeliever from the indistinct mass of Eatinerds, up to The Revelation of Taste. With each pilgrimage, the Eatinerant ascends the ladder towards ultimate enlightenment after experiencing new things: new places, new friends, new foods, new experiences, and new ways of thinking on every trip.

Meet your guides

Well, put simply, we are Paolo, Filippo, Matteo and Giovanni.
Italians know taste, and we, the Eatinerants team, feel that we have been called
to share our knowledge with the world! We want to convert the ketchup-on-soggy-spaghetti eaters, to connoisseurs of al-dente (non-cream!) carbonara.
